Woosching Away for 17 Years and Now You Can save 17%!!
It's hard to believe it was 17 years ago when we first set up a booth at Lehigh Valley Pride in the Park not knowing what to expect, but hoping to sell some soap. I drove down with my friend Jerry Popolis and we got the display all set up. Bar soap was all we made at that time and we proudly displayed 12 different scents of our Ultra-Aloe Bar. We had a blast and sold enough so that when Chuck came later in the day to help break down he could tell by our smiles that we did well. And from that day we have grown to nearly 60 Bar Soap Fragrances, 14 Hand Soaps, 12 Lotions, 12 Shower Gels, Beard Oil and Essential Oils.
Today we are celebrating much more than 17 successful years of Woosching, but we also celebrate all the great people we've met over those years, the friends we've made and the people we see at each show. This has been a rewarding journey and we thank you for being a part of it.
To show our gratitude we are offering 17% off everything on the website from Sunday August, 16 through Tuesday August 18, 2020. All the prices have been reduced for you so all you have to do is shop. And remember...Keep it Clean!